Small Business Center
Are you a Sole Proprietor or are you part of a Joint Venture? You’ve come to the right place.Big advice for your small business
You’re a professional, and you’re good at what you do. We want you to keep doing what you do, so we’re here to make sure the inner workings of your business are all set so you can keep on keeping on.Frequently Asked Questions
View All Questions LLC, S Corp or Sole Proprietorship? The question of how to structure a business is one of the most common questions we get, also one of the most nuanced because the answer depends on so many variables. Contact us today for more info. What’s the difference between an LLC and an S Corp? The question too complicated for a one or two sentence answer but if brief, LLC is a type of business registration recognized by your county and State. An S Corp is a filing classification recognized by the IRS. This is grossly simplified, but it shows the main difference. What’s the best way to manage my business? No accountant nor financial planner can definitively answer this question, but the type of your business, the revenue you generate or plan to generate, the number of employees you have, and what retirement plan you intend to utilize can all effect how you manage your business. Not to mention the day to day operations of the business itself. In other words, the answer to this question can only be gleaned from a 360 degree knowledge of your business. Contact us today for business start up advice. I made money on Venmo, now what? The IRS has claimed there will be more scrutiny put towards those that receive income through third-party transaction networks, like Venmoe and Paypal. Though they have since backed off a little bit. Either way. just like when you use personal funds to pay for business expenses, take extra care in recording these, because the IRS is slowly catching up to the financial technology of our day. Should I use QuickBooks? In short, yes. The accounting software costs money, yes, and there’s a learning curve to the program. But once you get the basics, it’s a great platform not only for the business owner, but also for your accountant and tax professional; they make the interface between business owner and accountant streamlined, saving everyone time an money in the end. How much does do business consultancy services cost? There is no set hourly rate for consulting. This is mostly because many of our business customers are also tax customers, and when this is the case, we like to work with our customers one on one to develop a strategy and price point that is mutually beneficial to both. Contact us to discuss a reasonable rate for you and your business.Small Business Center
Small Business Center
Big advice for your small business
You’re a professional, and you’re good at what you do. We want you to keep doing what you do, so we’re here to make sure the inner workings of your business are all set so you can keep on keeping on.
Frequently Asked Questions
The question of how to structure a business is one of the most common questions we get, also one of the most nuanced because the answer depends on so many variables. Contact us today for more info.
The question too complicated for a one or two sentence answer but if brief, LLC is a type of business registration recognized by your county and State. An S Corp is a filing classification recognized by the IRS. This is grossly simplified, but it shows the main difference.
No accountant nor financial planner can definitively answer this question, but the type of your business, the revenue you generate or plan to generate, the number of employees you have, and what retirement plan you intend to utilize can all effect how you manage your business. Not to mention the day to day operations of the business itself. In other words, the answer to this question can only be gleaned from a 360 degree knowledge of your business. Contact us today for business start up advice.
The IRS has claimed there will be more scrutiny put towards those that receive income through third-party transaction networks, like Venmoe and Paypal. Though they have since backed off a little bit. Either way. just like when you use personal funds to pay for business expenses, take extra care in recording these, because the IRS is slowly catching up to the financial technology of our day.
In short, yes. The accounting software costs money, yes, and there’s a learning curve to the program. But once you get the basics, it’s a great platform not only for the business owner, but also for your accountant and tax professional; they make the interface between business owner and accountant streamlined, saving everyone time an money in the end.
There is no set hourly rate for consulting. This is mostly because many of our business customers are also tax customers, and when this is the case, we like to work with our customers one on one to develop a strategy and price point that is mutually beneficial to both. Contact us to discuss a reasonable rate for you and your business.